The biggest problem the world faces today is poverty

At Fareeza, we recognize that one of the most pressing challenges gripping our world today is poverty. This formidable issue transcends borders, impacting lives across nations and societies, creating a cycle of deprivation and inequality. It stifles human potential, limits access to essential resources, and undermines the fundamental dignity of individuals and communities. We believe in the power of education as a beacon of hope in this struggle against poverty. By providing quality education and fostering opportunities for growth, we aim to break the chains of poverty and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all. Join us in our mission to make poverty a thing of the past, empowering individuals and transforming communities through education.

Know Who We Are

About our schools

At Fareeza, our schools stand as beacons of knowledge and empowerment. We’re committed to providing an exceptional educational experience that nurtures not only academic excellence but also the holistic development of every student. Our dedicated educators create a vibrant and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to explore, question, and innovate. We believe in fostering a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom, equipping our students with the skills, values, and confidence they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Our schools are more than just institutions; they are vibrant communities that inspire lifelong curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep sense of social responsibility. Join us in shaping the leaders of tomorrow, where education knows no bounds.

our SCHOOL Goals 2023

Why Choose Us

Benefit 1

The FEN education network, is essentially not-for-profit social innovation.

Benefit 2

The venture aims at economic and social uplift of the poor and the under-privileged through targeted education intervention.

Benefit 3

The expansion of the system to attain universal education relies on franchise model of business development.

Benefit 4

Franchisee has the ownership of the school with the collaboration of fareeza education network.


School Established


Woman Empowerment


Enrolment Of Children


Free Meals provide

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