Eligibility For Admission

Admission Criteria for student is given below, below description is only to give some environment at home to encourage children towards study



Age of student

4-5 when enrolled

Father’s class

Below or lower middle class

Father’s education


Mother’s education



Fee Structure

Fareeza Education Network charges Rs.500 in big cities, and in the vicinity of big cities, we charge Rs.400. While, in remote areas, we charge Rs.300 only to accentuate the sense of responsibility. There is no cost against the perks provided by us.

Scholarship Position

Head teacher have authority to wave-off 20% students fee if she think they are eligible for scholarship, if head teacher want more scholarship she have tp mail director academics. Director academics have authority to approve 30% of students scholarship if they are on merit. 50% of students have to pay fee which is describe on fee structure page.